Alerts & Project News
IDEC & the LEAP Lafayette / Lebanon Water Pipeline
Top seven things you need to know. Detailed FAQ regarding IDEC, the LEAP Lafayette to Lebanon project and proposed 50 mile water pipeline, and your eminent domain rights.
I-65/US 52 Interchange
INDOT will host a public hearing regarding the I-65 and US 52 Interchange Improvement Project (Boone County) on June 17, 2024.
This project involves relocating the existing I-65/US 52 interchange to approximately 0.28 mile north of existing CR 300 N, and constructing a conventional diverging diamond interchange. US 52 will be realigned to travel in an east/west direction to the new interchange location.
The project will include a significant number of eminent domain takings, including approximately 66.7 acres of permanent right-of-way (ROW), approximately 1.1 acres of temporary ROW, one relocation.
I-65, I-70 Split: Public Meetings
The ProPEL Indy project was created by INDOT to address the next 20 years of investment in transportation infrastructure.
According to INDOT, the project has identified bridge and pavement conditions, safety, mobility, and multimodal connectivity issues.
INDOT will host public meetings on several dates in June 2024 regarding the completed study and potential project plans.
SR 32 Realignment Announced
INDOT has announced a new roadway improvement project for SR 32 (Boone County) that will very likely include eminent domain takings of property. The SR 32 project includes the realignment of approx. four miles of SR 32 from Enterprise Boulevard to CR 500 W.
STIP Amendments Proposed
INDOT Seeking Public Comment on the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Amendment | Please review the proposed amendments. To find out if you live in an MPO area, please follow a link to this interactive map.
The public comment period is open through Sunday, May 12, 2024.
SR 32 Public Meeting
The project involves a widening of the road and a walking path that will ultimately take between 25 and 30 feet on each side of the current SR 32 roadway. It will extend approximately five miles from Westfield to Noblesville. The project aims to reduce congestion-related crashes by adding roundabouts to at least seven intersections. The Preliminary Design and Environmental Studies are complete; next in 2024, Land Acquisition and Final Design Permitting will begin. Construction is scheduled to start in 2026.
Link 101 Project Halted, Alternatives Proposed
INDOT has halted the $200 million Link 101 road project. Two alternative options haven now been proposed, aiming to minimize the project's impact on the rural landscape while still addressing transportation needs. These alternatives involve either utilizing existing roadways with rehabilitation measures or expanding existing state highways without constructing new roads.
Public Meeting: SR 47 Improvements
A Public Hearing is planned for Tuesday, April 9, to present the proposed improvements and gather public input on the SR 47 project. There will be eminent domain takings of property that are related to this improvement project in Sheridan, Indiana.
Public Meeting: Mid-States Corridor
The Mid States Corridor Project will provide a link between southern Indiana by extending 54 from I-64/IS Highway 231 to I-69 at the existing US Highway 231 interchange. The affected counties will include Spencer, Dubois, Perry, Warrick, Pike, Daviess, Crawford, Orange, Martin, Lawrence, Greene and Monroe.
Public Meeting: High Street Project
East side of High Street from Arden Drive to Hunter Avenue. Project scope includes construction of a multiuse path and modernization of the two existing traffic signals within the project limits.